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  • 中国酒业巨头introduce 360 FangCloud Enterprise Online Disk, 安全Administration文件, 团队高效协同

    "让世界品味中国" 是This house中华酒业巨子的企业使命. This house酒业巨头历史悠久, 曾被多position国领导人用来宴请外国元首, 并作为 "国礼" 赠送外宾, 至今已在全球 70 余Countriesand地区建立了sale网络, 其旗下一款支柱Products更是成为中国sale规模exceed百亿的三large高端白酒品牌之一. 随着业务规模的不断发展, large量的业务文件需要统一规范的Administration, group内部异地团队之间的文件协同效率需要得到提升, group的核心文件资料也需要得到更安全的存储与Administration. 经过严格筛选, 该企业选中 360 FangCloud Enterprise Online Disk.

    2023-11-21 case
    Enterprise network disk File sharing Collaborative office
  • 天津医科large学总医院: With the help of 360 Fangcloud实现文件安全Administration

    recently, 天津医科large学总医院与 360 Yifang Cloud Achieves Cooperation, introduceEnterprise cloud disk, 搭建安全的文件在线存储andAdministration平台, 在多网络隔离机制下, 实现安全高效的文件跨网络传输.

    2023-10-13 case
    医疗promotion of information technology Enterprise cloud disk 信息安全
  • 物产中large化工group: With the help of 360 Fangcloud安全Administration文档, 高效协作办公

    物产中large化工group正式introduce 360 FangcloudEnterprise cloud disk, adopt私有化部署, 实现全group文档安全存储及Administration, 公司内部and外部供应商之间的高效协作办公.

    2023-09-14 case
    Enterprise network disk digitization File sharing Collaborative office 文件Administration
  • 牵手成功! 中国电力engineering顾问group西南电力Design院!

    中国电力engineering顾问group西南电力Design院有限公司 (hereinafter referred to as "西南院" ) 正式introduce 360 FangcloudEnterprise cloud disk, 实现办公文件统一存储Administration, share协作, Design图纸在线预览, 文件精细化安全管控.

    2023-07-31 case
    Enterprise network disk Enterprise cloud disk File sharing digitization promotion of information technology
  • 央企控股groupSign a contract 360 Fangcloud, 提升跨国业务协作效率

    recently, 某央企控股groupintroduce 360 Fangcloud公有云服务, 搭建企业统一的文件协作与知识Administration平台: 实现海量项目资料有序存储及安全Administration, 国内外项目团队之间File sharing及高效协作, 提升运营Administration效率, 增strong企业竞争力.

    2023-07-13 case
    Enterprise network disk Enterprise cloud disk digitization promotion of information technology 网盘 File sharing
  • Beauty brand「Imperial Research Hall」introduce 360 Fangcloud, Efficient management of nearly 100 stores nationwide

    Today with the rapid development of science and technology, People's pursuit of beauty is becoming more and more common, Various beauty agencies have sprung up like mushrooms, The industry competition is becoming increasingly fierce. Some beauty brands with deep insight into the market trend began to try to achieve refined operation through digital means, Constantly improve energy and efficiency. Jiangsu Yuyantang Biotechnology Co. , Ltd (hereinafter referred to as "Imperial Research Hall" ) Take the lead in introducing 360 Yifang Cloud Enterprise Cloud Disk Service, Build a remote sharing and collaboration platform, Realize orderly and secure storage of enterprise data, And ensure the efficient cooperation between the headquarters and stores across the country.

    2022-11-30 case
    Digital transformation Collaborative office Enterprise network disk Store management
  • Introduced by Jianghuai Automobile Group 360 Fangcloud, Promote efficient development of international business

    Introduced by Jiangqi Group International 360 Fangcloud, Build a one-stop sharing and cooperation platform, Realize domestic teams and overseas dealers, Data sharing among overseas customers, Fast access, Help the team to work together efficiently.

    2022-10-27 case
    File sharing Teamwork Telecommuting Collaborative office File sharing
  • 500 Strong Enterprise Ordos Group Joins Hands 360 Fangcloud, Create a new collaborative office model

    Good news Great news9 month 6 day, "2022 Chinese enterprises 500 strong" List release, Inner Mongolia Ordos Investment Holding Group Co. , Ltd (Ordos Group for short) with 7276763 Ranked No. 1 in 10000 yuan revenue 321 position. not long ago, This house 500 Strong enterprise selection and 360 Yifang Cloud Achieves Cooperation, With the help of 360 Yifang Cloud's one-stop team collaboration and knowledge management capabilities, Building a unified unstructured data middle platform, Secure storage of enterprise information assets/share/application, Create a new way of safe and efficient collaborative office. 1 Informatization of the world cashmere king

    2022-09-23 case
    Signing Newsletter Enterprise cloud disk Enterprise case
  • Wenzhou People's Hospital 360 Fangcloud, Building a digital medical complex

    How to keep the massive documents and materials in order? Cross hospital area, How to share files and work cooperatively between departments? Wenzhou People's Hospital 360 Yifang Cloud has built a unified file management platform, Open the data flow channel between departments and offices of the hospital and with external units of the hospital, Realize business/Centralized storage of scientific research materials, Collaborative distribution, Secure transmission sharing.

    2022-09-23 case
    medical service Sign a contract promotion of information technology digitization Enterprise cloud disk
  • Signed by Xiamen University 360 Fangcloud, Create a new mode of document sharing and efficient collaboration

    Xiamen University and 360 Yifang Cloud officially reached cooperation, adopt 360 Yifang Cloud is highly efficient, convenient, Secure campus cloud disk, Realizing teaching resources, Learning materials, Real time sharing of office documents, Improve the efficiency and convenience of collaboration between teachers and students, Building a new model of smart campus.

    2022-08-16 case
    Enterprise cloud disk Smart Universities Xiamen University colleges and universities
  • Guarantee the Winter Olympics, Help the opening of the Asian Games subway, How does Theo elevator build hard power through Digitalization?

    Hangzhou Xiao Elevator Co. , Ltd (abbreviation "Theo elevator" ) Founded in 2004 year, It is the research and development of elevator, Design, production, sale, A modern integrated elevator manufacturer and service provider integrating installation and after-sales maintenance, So far, it has developed 9 Large series, 20 More than ladder products, Accumulated to global 70 More than countries and regions provide services. Western Austria elevator leading industry introduces German Industry 4. 0 idea, By world 500 Strong standard layout factory, Realize manufacturing intelligence with intelligent management, Product intelligence, Service intelligence, Become the leader of domestic independent elevator brands. 01 Unstructured data management of large manufacturing enterprises is difficult

    2022-05-06 case
    Enterprise network disk Theo elevator
  • Sales in two months are nearly 100 billion yuan, Ranking first in the industry, How country garden realizes efficient and safe collaboration of enterprise documents?

    2 month 28 day, The middle finger Institute released 2022 year 1-2 Ranking list of sales performance of Chinese real estate enterprises in August. List display, 2022 year 1-2 month, TOP100 The average sales volume of real estate enterprises is 103. 0 RMB100mn, Among them, the sales volume of real estate enterprises exceeds 10 billion yuan 30 , Country garden 924. 6 The sales volume of 100 million yuan ranks first in the sales performance ranking. actually, In recent years, country garden, which is in the leading position, has been "Steady and far-reaching" As a development strategy: "Relatively slow down the development speed, Make more room for various controls" . Especially in the context of the accelerated development of informatization in the real estate industry, Market to enterprise

    2022-03-03 case
    360 Fangcloud Enterprise cloud disk Enterprise network disk real estate
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