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Home / White Paper Download / Industry Reports / IResearch Consulting Group: 2018 White Paper on the Development of Chinese Enterprise Network Disk Industry in

IResearch Consulting Group: 2018 White Paper on the Development of Chinese Enterprise Network Disk Industry in

This report focuses on Cloud storage based to BNetdiskservice, rightEnterprise Network DiskThe development history of the product, Core values, Analyze market development and other aspects, And predictEnterprise Network DiskFuture Development Trends of the Industry.

▌enterpriseNetdiskConcept definition of

This report focuses on Cloud storage based to B Network disk service

From the core elements of enterprise online storage, first, It is an item toB Enterprise level services instead of personal level services, Therefore, personal network disk products that primarily serve ordinary individual consumers are not within the scope of this report's focus; secondly, Enterprise network disks must be internet-based storage methods, And with the continuous evolution of network disk services, Network disk service based on Cloud storage has become the mainstream choice of enterprise practice, Therefore, this report focuses on Cloud storage based online disk services; in addition, It is generally believed that enterprise network disks should have file storage capabilities, access, Synchronous backup, sharing, Administration, Basic functions at the software level such as collaboration. Overall, The essence of enterprise network disks is that manufacturers rent or build them, Provide users with massive storage and network resources.

▌The Development History of Enterprise Network Disk Products

Deep development from single storage function to collaborative office

The enterprise network disk itself is also undergoing continuous upgrade iterations. From the initial complex operation of file cabinet products, Continuously developing towards a direction that aligns with user operating habits, Enterprise network disk products are gradually becoming simple and easy to use, Fully functional, Convenient interaction, User friendly mature products.

From a development perspective, Enterprise network disk originates from a single document storage function, In the process of continuously meeting user needs, Sharing and distribution of files, Online document collaboration, Collaborative Office Continuously Develops in Depth. Due to the fact that employees spend most of their daily work time dealing with documents, Future network disk products may be developed into an enterprise collaborative office platform with files as the entry point.

▌The Core Values of Enterprise Network Disk

Enhancing Digitalization of Enterprise Management, Intensification degree

Traditional enterprise document management systems emphasize the classification and management of documents, On the other hand, enterprise online storage places greater emphasis on the safe flow and collaboration of data, Distribute scatter points across various systems, application, Centralized storage and management of local and cloud data, Enable internal and external sharing within the organization, More adaptable to the needs of efficient office work in modern enterprises. Overall, Shared Collaboration, Business oriented document management, Mobile office and security constitute the core values of enterprise network drives.

▌Analysis of market development environment

Policies promote enterprises' Digital transformation and cloud deployment

Overall, Policy level brings many positive factors to the enterprise online storage industry from a macro perspective: one side, "internet+" The policy has accelerated the Digital transformation of traditional industries, Encourage small and medium-sized enterprises to enhance their information technology capabilities, More digital information is created and circulated as a prerequisite for providing services to online disk products; On the other hand, Continuously promoting policies, Encourage government departments and enterprises to purchase cloud computing services, Accelerate the pace of government and enterprise cloud adoption, Enhance the cognitive level of decision-makers and regulatory authorities towards cloud services.

in addition, "The Belt and Road Initiative" Under the strategy, domestic enterprises going overseas has become a hot trend, The demand for cross-border file transfer and collaborative office work will be released.

Network and cloud service infrastructure is becoming increasingly mature, Strong demand for mobile office

The development of enterprise network disk services cannot be separated from the construction of underlying network services and cloud services. China's network infrastructure has achieved remarkable achievements under the attention of the government, Full coverage of communication base stations, 4G/5G Research and development and implementation of the network, Measures such as fiber optic networks entering households have greatly accelerated the popularization and rapid development of the Internet. And this directly promotes the construction and maturity of China's cloud service infrastructure layer, Providing a fertile ground for growth and development for enterprise network disk services above it. Progress in Network and Cloud Service Infrastructure, It further boosts the arrival of the mobile The Internet Age, The scene of mobile office continues to enrich, More adaptable to mobile features SaaS More suitable mode.

Initial results in market cultivation, But it still takes time to mature

As mentioned earlier, The market cultivation in the field of enterprise services is a relatively long stage. Currently, The market cultivation of enterprise online storage has achieved initial results: one side, The early personal network disk products have cultivated users' usage habits, It is easier for users to accept enterprise network disk products; On the other hand, Domestic entrepreneurs are increasingly aware of the importance of enterprise management, I also have a relatively deeper understanding of cloud services, To some extent, it reduces the security concerns of going to the cloud. in addition, Consecutive data leakage incidents in recent years, To individuals, The incalculable losses brought by enterprises and society, Enterprises and individuals are beginning to seek more professional security protection capabilities to safeguard data, And this also provides a good opportunity for the development of enterprise network disks.

▌Industry Application Scenarios of Enterprise Network Disk

Current manufacturing industry, Business service industry, Education industry's most favored online disk products

Enterprise network disk can help enterprises achieve centralized and efficient management and fast transmission of document data, Enable employees to work in different regions, Convenient access to work data under different network conditions. It is precisely these product characteristics that directly determine the most popular industry for enterprise network disk products at this stage: Manufacturing enterprises generally have large file volumes, Complex engineering conditions, Design consulting company, Law firms and other business service enterprises have strong demand for centralized data archiving, retrieval, and transmission, Strong demand for knowledge collaboration in educational institutions. By sorting out the distribution of publicly disclosed corporate online disk customers, education, finance, IT, The penetration rate of enterprise network disk usage in industries such as energy is relatively high, Reflecting that these types of enterprises are industries with lower difficulty in acquiring customers at the current stage or are the main focus of network disk manufacturers.

Report Overview

  • Publishing unit: IResearch Consulting Group
  • Release date: 2018-05-28
  • Industry involved: internet
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