Move to a new home, Greenhouse lie down! Change the world from here!
The day before moving, Participate in decoration, Administrative and financial department colleagues working in relocation, etc, So busy that I hardly slept all night; One day after moving, We are celebrating and reveling, I was so excited that I didn't sleep all night.

A few months ago, With the growth of team size and smooth access to financing, Let's start YY New office:
Come to the company in the morning, You can go to the gym for a spin bike run, Of course, the shower must be matched;
The office has to be bright LOFT style, Some have adjustable sofas and chandeliers;
We need N Discussion rooms, You can find the feeling when you go in, Or suitable for meditation, Or arouse creativity;
There must be a coffee machine in the tea room (Drink instant coffee this pull down B We can't do what GE did) , It's best to make a salad snack or something. . .
5 month 28 day, Everyone moved into the metallurgical building beside Laohe mountain 18 layer, although X-BOX And lazy people haven't had time to place the sofa yet, The new office is enough to make everyone scream.
Outside the window is the mountain view of Gudang Laohe mountain, It is separated from the youth of Yuquan, Zhejiang University;
Inside the window are all kinds of sophisticated and nostalgic styles from childhood -- style.

2013 year 80 Pingdi residential office, 2014 Regular but cramped office buildings in, today, A whole floor of super luxury, which is known as the happiest in Hangzhou LOFT office, We have been moving forward. . .
This is just a new starting point

This fight, Children's Day is also celebrated in advance of the move, Because this group includes two founders, Almost all 80 after, 90 after. For this group of people, Reality again bone feeling, We don't want to leave our dreams.
This fight, Everyone is distracted, This happiness does not come from this high B GE's new office is a phased victory, But because this is just a new starting point, We can see the infinite space in the future.
Our group, There are from Box Core technical engineer of, Global project manager from Huawei, 8 Nian Ali 2B Customer achievement director with business experience, 10 Hangzhou vice president of sales of Chinese media with years of experience in the advertising industry, And one from Ali, Netease, Composed of senior engineers of micro strategy A+R & D team.
Our group, Make a call with your heartFangcloudProducts for, Want to use Saas Make a little change to the world around you.

Simple work together, yesFangcloudProduct commitment to customers, We strive to help you create an efficient and convenient way of working;
Simple work together, That's why we get together, Dream, march forward courageously, uncomplicated.
Article classification: Industry information
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Number of views: 3978 Browse times
Release date: 2015-05-29 15: 31: 09
Article link: https: //www. fangcloud. com/cms/hyzx/526. html
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