4. 5. 3 What is an external collaborative member?

one, When to use an external collaboration account?

If it is necessary to invite non internal members of the enterprise to participate in collaboration together, For example, suppliers, Agents, etc.

two, How to invite external collaboration accounts?

reference resources: 4. 5. 2 How to invite external collaboration members?

three, What is the difference between external collaboration accounts and internal collaboration accounts?

1, External collaboration account members who have their own Yifang Cloud account can directly log in and use it; If you don't have an account, you can simply register and join the collaboration
2, Compared to internal account functions, it has different features: No review function; No sharing function in personal folder; No collection function in personal folder; No permission to invite collaborative members; No folder management permission (Set watermark, Prohibit sharing, etc)
3, Outsourcing accounts can be directly removed from the folder for collaboration; Internal account removal requires the enterprise administrator to remove it from the enterprise console