Xinchuang's strength has been recognized again, 360 Yifang Cloud won the Innovation Award for Xinchuang Products and Services!
recently, "2023 Love analysis: Xinchuang Product and Service Innovation Award" The selection results are released. After multiple rounds of research, review, 41 One of the most valuable information innovation service providers from serving the party and government, finance, petroleum, power, telecom, traffic, Aerospace, Outstanding applicants in multiple fields such as healthcare and education.
360FangcloudIn this selection activityAwarded "2023 Love analysis: Xinchuang Product and Service Innovation Award" , And was awarded a certificate and trophy for application innovation practice cases.
Good demonstration role of excellent manufacturers
In order to achieve autonomous and controllable core technology, National proposal "2+8" Safe and controllable system, In the two major systems of the party and government, finance, petroleum, power, telecom, traffic, Aerospace, hospital, Within eight major industries such as education, Progressive implementation of basic hardware-Basic software-Comprehensive localization replacement of industry application software.
According to love analysis research:
at present, The construction of information and innovation in the two major systems of the party and government started early, The domestic substitution of electronic document systems in various units is in full swing.
But even in the party and government, finance, Telecommunications and other industries with relatively advanced development of information and innovation, They still have various problems and challenges in the process of information innovation construction, Other industries are self-evident.
therefore, Excellent Xinchuang construction service providers and mature practice cases play a crucial role in the development of the industry, Exemplary role.
360FangcloudAssist in the construction of user information and innovation
Faced with a large amount of demand released by government and enterprise customers, 360 Yifangyun takes the lead in promoting the construction of information innovation in the industry, Polishing Xinchuang Scheme, Assist government and enterprise users to fully realize the construction of information innovation.
Currently, the entire series of products have been integrated withUnified Messaging Operating System, Kunpeng/Feiteng chip, Da Meng Database, Renmin Treasury Database, Galaxy Kirin Operating SystemAnd other mainstream domestic chips and domestic operating systems have completed adaptation and mutual authentication.
Take a provincial railway procuratorate as an example:
360 Yifangyun matches the Xinchuang solution for the railway procuratorate, Assist the railway procuratorate in building its own private propertyCloud disk, All business documents and data of the unit are uniformly stored inCloud diskupper, Realize unified management of documents, Quick search, One click sharing.
Employees who go out to work log on to their computers anytime and anywhere, Cloud disk client on mobile phone, CanEdit documents online, Reply to a work message, Realize convenient mobile office.
in order toEnsure data security within the unit, introduce 360 Yifang Cloud File Non landing Scheme, Adopt cloud disk+360 How to combine secure browsers. adopt 360 Security browser intercepts files downloaded by operators in the business system, Forward it to 360 FangcloudEnterprise cloud disk, For operator to preview online/edit, This allows employees to complete file processing online, And can prevent files from being downloaded to unknown places and being leaked.
up to now, 360 Yifang Cloud has providedexceed 20 Industrial56 ten thousand+Government and enterprise users provide services, These includeChina Construction Second Engineering Bureau, China Construction Fourth Engineering Bureau, Zhejiang University, Luzhou Laojiao, Geely Group, Country Garden, Jingke Energy and Local GovernmentAnd other ultra large customers. Massive user service experience also drives the continuous maturity of user solutions, perfect.
future, 360 Yifangyun will also continue to polish its innovation plan, Unify unstructured data for government and enterprise users, Security management provides better service.
Classification of this article: Enterprise Dynamics
Number of Views: 5739 Views
Release Date: 2023-03-24 17: 49: 52
Link to this article: https: //www. fangcloud. com/cms/qydt/599. html
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