Yifang Yuncheng enterprise service potential Nova Sustainable fermentation of cloud Market Ecosystem

At the beginning of the new year, The enterprise service field was successfully completed by Pan micro network A The news of the listing of shares detonated, Fanwei has also officially become the first business partner of Alibaba cloud to land on the motherboard in the collaborative management software industry.
although 2016 Year is the winter of capital, But more similar "Pan micro" The same potential new stars in enterprise services are emerging and growing in Alibaba cloud market. according to an uncompleted statistic, only 2016 year, Partners in the cloud market aggregate data to obtain financing 3. 6 RMB 100 million, Face++get 1 US $100 million financing, Youluoke new third board fixed increase market value 2. 76 Billion, Fangcloudget 840 Wanmei financial capital, Fada, Anhua Jinhe, Douxiang Technology, Zhuyun and others have also achieved more than 5000 Financing of 10000 yuan, Total financing amount exceeds 15 RMB 100 million!
Enterprise document management potential unit: Fangcloud
Thanks to the in-depth development of cloud computing and the popularity of mobile informatization, The management and utilization of unstructured data are gradually valued by enterprises, Unstructured data is what we call it everyday "file" , It records the operation process of the whole enterprise, It is an important data asset of enterprises, Urgent need for protection, Management and utilization. Based on cloud storage technologyEnterprise network disk, Because it conforms to enterprise document management, storage, Sharing and collaboration, It has gradually become an important part of enterprise information construction, Huge market potential.
beyond seas, Enterprises with similar businesses Box Already on 15 year 1 Landing on the New York Stock Exchange in January, The valuation is about 27 USD100mn.
Potential stock recommendation: Fangcloud, Leading enterprise document management service provider in China. at present, Yifang cloud has received tens of millions of dollars of financing from top venture capital, Including Longhu real estate, Jingke energy, Semir and other large and medium-sized enterprises and teams have more than 80000 , Successfully provide document management services for tens of thousands of large-scale customers such as Zhejiang University.
Although there are many entrepreneurs in enterprise services, But the user decision is long, Limited by regional cost, Limited sales growth; Every project needs to be involved to keep the operating costs high.
relatively, The advantages of access platform are very obvious. The most mature in China 2B Market Alibaba cloud market as an example, Like cloud computing "AppStore" . For customers, Software on the cloud market has "One click delivery" And more convenient use experience, Lower procurement risk, More reliable service guarantee; For software vendors, Cloud market means deep integration with Alibaba cloud products, Wider distribution channels (on-line 230 10000 users, 20 Industries and 4000 Multiple channels) , Faster delivery mode, More efficient unit output.
Lin Kaihui, founder of Fada, believes that, Entering the cloud market first is to save costs, More importantly, enterprises need not worry about the stability and security of data, Alibaba cloud's underlying resources are given to the cloud market ISV Sufficient guarantee.
since 4 Since the revision in September, Multiple financing has been born in the cloud market, Listing cases and more than 10 Service providers with quarterly turnover of more than one million.
The company treasure that just landed on the new third board is one of the beneficiaries of the cloud market opening ecosystem, With the power of Alibaba cloud, The number of order users broke through on the day when the company treasure was settled 400, "Our decision with ALI is all in. " Co founder Zhong Yeping said.
Resident cloud COO Xiao Kai also said: As a start-up company serving medium and large customers, Zhuyun has received a lot of help from the cloud market in terms of corporate image or brand publicity, "Some customers, It is through the cloud market that we know, And then deal again. "
2017, The cloud market will produce more new potential stars in the field of enterprise services.
Article classification: Enterprise dynamics
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Number of views: 3767 Browse times
Release date: 2017-01-19 10: 30: 45
Article link: https: //www. fangcloud. com/cms/qydt/464. html
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