Profound interpretation of Yifang cloud "Customer success" , Services≠Customer success
Not only the product concept and technology leadership, FangcloudWe have been practicing successful customer service for many years. As a company with a complete customer success system, FangcloudAlready for 150, 000+Enterprise users provide perfect customer service, For two consecutive years, more than 100 million users have chosen Yifang cloud 85%.

Many people in the market have misunderstandings, Equate customer success with customer service, And the truth is, Customer success≠Services, Customer service is only a small part of Yifang cloud's customer success system.
To help you better understand the difference between customer service and customer success, Wei Ran, vice president of customer success, said in his speech that "Warehouse" and "Logistics Centre" Make analogical explanation. A warehouse, Solve the storage needs of goods for customers; And a logistics center, Not only meet the needs of customers to store goods, We should also realize the circulation of goods according to the business needs of customers. "Services" And "Customer success" The difference is also roughly the same.

Services, By solving the problem of customers using products, Obtain customer satisfaction; And the customer is successful, It is not only necessary to solve customers' product use problems, It also needs to accompany and help customers to achieve their own business values and goals.
As a company with a complete customer success system, The biggest difference between Yifang cloud's customer success system and traditional services is:
The customer success system of Yifang cloud covers the whole life cycle of customer service, In addition to the customer service content provided by traditional enterprises, It also includes industry consultants unique to Yifang cloud, Promotion services, VIP Services, etc, It can help customers achieve their ultimate business goals.

Excellent customer service ability Yifang cloud's strength appears
While helping customers succeed, The successful service experience of Yifang cloud is also accumulating. at present, Yifang Yunwei 13 Industries 150, 000+Enterprise users provide customer service covering the whole life cycle, End user exceeds 1, 000, 000, And in Longhu real estate, Jingke energy, Zhejiang University and Zhejiang Normal University, etc 10 During the exploration of Yujia 10000 person customer service, Formed a unique set of import training, Use and promote to actively track a complete set of implementation system.

besides, Yifang cloud has also established a customer success support system in many regions across the country. this year 8 month, Yifangyun officially established a marketing center in Shanghai, Established Hangzhou, Shanghai double center operation mode, Also in Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and other countries 10 More than key cities have service outlets, Provide guarantee for shortening the response time of customers' needs and improving the accuracy of services.
Although it is still in the early stage of development, However, Yifang cloud has clearly realized that customer success will be the core competitiveness of the company, And more than companies have been allocated for this team 20%Human resources to undertake this important responsibility. at present, Yifang cloud has become 150, 000+Enterprise users provide perfect customer service, For two consecutive years, more than 100 million users have chosen Yifang cloud 85%.
Practice "approach, listen, understand, Help customers achieve their ultimate business goals! " Our service mission, The excellent customer success team of Yifang cloud has been moving forward. meanwhile, The customer success team of Yifang cloud is also convinced: In the days to come, More customers will recognize our service, Recognize the products of Yifang cloud.
Article classification: Enterprise dynamics
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Number of views: 3954 Browse times
Release date: 2017-11-27 11: 40: 32
Article link: https: //www. fangcloud. com/cms/qydt/451. html
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