Overseas Chinese university joins hands with yifangyun, Create a new generation of campus cloud disk management system
Informatization construction is an important strategic component of university management, At present, a large number of scientific research and teaching materials in universities are stored in the form of electronic documents, Use and communication. With the continuous progress of the information age, tradition IT The solution can no longer meet the growing needs of file management, Continuous development and application promotion of cloud storage technology, It can realize the precipitation of teaching and research resources for colleges and universities, Bring new file management and sharing solutions.
recently, Huaqiao University has been evaluated by many parties, Formal signingFangcloud, Building a CampusCloud disksystem, Provide safe and efficient working documents for all teachers and students in the school, Teaching and scientific research resources, Storage of learning materials, etc, Collaboration and management services.
About overseas Chinese University
Overseas Chinese University 1960 Founded in Quanzhou City, Fujian Province, a famous hometown of overseas Chinese, It is an institution of higher learning established with the personal approval of Premier Zhou Enlai. 1983 In, the CPC Central Committee decided that Huaqiao University was "Universities supported by the state" . 1997 year, The former Jimei overseas Chinese Student Tutorial school, located in Jimei School Village, Xiamen, Fujian Province, was incorporated into overseas Chinese University, Renamed the school of Chinese literature of Huaqiao University. 2003 In, the school was awarded the excellent grade in the first batch of undergraduate teaching level evaluation by the Ministry of education. 2006 Xiamen campus officially opened in. 2018 In, the school was selected into Fujian Province "Double First-Class" initiative" Building colleges and Universities.
Leaders of the central United Front Work Department directly under Huaqiao University, It's the central United Front Work Department, A comprehensive University jointly built by the Ministry of education and Fujian Province, It is also one of the first universities to implement the board system in New China.
Overseas Chinese UniversitychoiceFangcloudWhat was the original intention?
In Colleges and Universities, Teachers and students are teaching, scientific research, Administration, The core work in the process of services is carried in the form of documents, But traditional document storage, transmission, Collaboration and distribution, Collection and other work are basically throughUdisc, E-mail, QQEtc, Not only cumbersome, Inefficiency, Collaboration difficulties, It's also easy to make mistakes. Yifang cloud puts forward solutions for these pain points, Strive to provide convenience for all teachers and students in the school, Efficient, High quality document management, Service and collaboration capabilities.
These scenarios, Yifang cloud makes campus document circulation and collaboration more convenient:
1, Safer personal document storage+More convenient unit document storage=More efficient teaching and office experience
campusCloud diskHaving a foundationNetdiskAll functions of, Can be in PC, PAD, All terminals such as mobile phones synchronize files; Teachers can realize personal office based on this system. meanwhile, Departments in the unit, group, Teams, etc. can have their own independent folders, And common shared folders, Can effectively manage different types of documents, The platform is not only a personal office platform for teachers, It is also a huge resource pool and material package, When making courseware, teachers can find teaching resources of other teachers or units through collaboration folders and organizational structure folders.
2, Multi person collaboration+Online editing+Multi level permissions Meet the efficient work of multiple teachers
Teachers are in daily office, In daily teaching behavior, Efficient collaboration between teachers can be achieved based on internal collaboration folders, Teaching exchange, etc.
When collaboration folders invite collaborators, Permission can be set. The file access rights management of the system supports seven level permission settings, Respectively "Uploader" , "Previewer" , "upload/Previewer" , "Viewer" , "see/Uploader" , "Editor" , "Co owner" . Each role represents different access rights to files, Through strict authority management, Ensure the safety and controllability of documents.
Online discussion: Teachers can discuss courseware online, You can edit online when you need to edit, There is no need to upload and download again after the courseware is modified.
3, One click sharing+Code scanning collection=Easy and convenient teacher-student interaction
The sharing function of the system generates sharing links for file circulation, stay WEB End users can directly send links to each other. Mobile sharing can directly share files with each other QQ, WeChat, mailbox, SMS and other communication tools, Only one contact information is needed for real realization, Can easily deliver documents. Teachers can easily share courseware with classmates through this function.
meanwhile, Teachers can also collect tasks through folders, Easily complete the action of collecting homework, Under this function, Students don't need a cloud disk account, just scan the QR code or submit homework directly according to the connection, Teachers can automatically collect all students' homework. And students' homework is invisible to each other, Teachers only need to turn on the computer, All jobs automatically "run" To the specified folder, Students do not need an account.
4, Document precipitation, Summarize the digital resources of the whole school
Through campus cloud disk, Teaching materials scattered in the hands of Teachers, Project data, Administrative documents, Activity material, Centralized summary of meeting minutes and other materials, Form a working platform for unified management and control of the school, Resource platform.
(Connect through unified identity authentication, Automatically match the organizational structure of the school, Unified convergence of different departments, At the same time, the authority is independent)
Departments can also follow the requirements of the school, Self built category, Project data, Accumulation of meeting materials, Establish online archives.
The above is only part of the scene, The effective application of campus cloud disk will have a significant impact on the working methods of school teachers and students, It is not only convenient to solve the daily document drafting, modify, Review and other personal needs, And it can greatly improve work efficiency and work quality, Accumulated over time will effectively precipitate all kinds of school documents, Leave a deep mark of career development, Agglomerate into departments, The unique campus culture of the college and even the school.
Article classification: news flash
Number of views: 13709 Browse times
Release date: 2019-11-18 16: 42: 43
Article link: https: //www. fangcloud. com/cms/qykx/358. html
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Customer overview
Customer name: Overseas Chinese University
Region: Fujian Province/Xiamen
Customer industry: education (colleges and universities)
Application scenario:Document storage, File sharing, Document collection, file management
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