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  • 华诺科技与 360 Fangcloud达成战略合作, 共推 AI 大模型产业化落地

    3 month 19 day, 中联华诺 (北京) 科技有限公司 (以下abbreviation "华诺科技" ) 和 360 集团旗下 360 Fangcloud举行Sign a contract仪式, 正式达成战略合作. 双方负责人共同出席活动并现场签署战略agreement.

    2024-03-19 Customer story
    AI 大模型 华诺科技
  • 世界 500 强建发集团旗下核心企业联发集团, 选择 360 Fangcloud

    世界 500 强建发集团旗下核心企业联发集团, 选择 360 Fangcloud! securityAdministration文档, 高效Collaborative office!

    2024-03-07 Customer story
    file management Collaborative office
  • 央企控股集团Sign a contract 360 Fangcloud, 提升跨国业务协作效率

    recently, 某央企控股集团引入 360 Fangcloud公有云服务, 搭建企业统一的文件协作与知识Administration平台: 实现海量项目data有序存储及securityAdministration, 国内外项目团队之间File sharing及高效协作, 提升运营Administration效率, 增强企业竞争力.

    2023-07-14 Customer story
    央企控股 跨国业务 Solutions 360 Fangcloud
  • 6 大技巧, 为 6000+外贸企业解决file management难题

    小张要离职了, 她手里那么多供应商信息要是带到竞yes那儿去就不妙了! 采购, 仓库, 财务各部门每天都有人找我要合同, 我缺一存放合同的Shared cloud disk~要报关了, 工厂装箱data, 出口合同, 出口商业发票, 装箱单这些文件大用五花八门的方式发给我, 整理起来太容易出错了. . . . . . 这些file management烦恼经常出现stay外贸从业者的工作中. 凭借多year的外贸行业服务经验, 360 Fangcloud为外贸行业用户打造了一套Enterprise cloud disk应用方案. 帮助用户建立一集

    2023-07-10 Customer story
    360 FangcloudSolutions 外贸行业
  • leveraging 360 FangCloud Enterprise Online Disk, A leading electric vehicle group has achieved the reshaping and upgrading of its document management system

    In the product selection stage, Considering the application scope and importance of file management systems, The electric vehicle group focuses on the technical research and development capabilities of manufacturers, Functional completeness, Customer service capability, Comprehensive consideration was given to various factors such as service experience in large enterprises. final, After extensive research, Products POC test, 360 Yifang Cloud Enterprise Cloud Disk relies on comprehensive leading technological capabilities, Mature product features, Core advantages such as a comprehensive service team and rich practical implementation cases of large enterprises, Becoming a product supplier for this project.

    2023-05-25 Enterprise dynamics
    Electric vehicle manufacture digitization Enterprise cloud disk file management File sharing Document Security information safety
  • Introduced from middling coal Shaanxi 360 Fangcloud, Building a one-stop document storage collaboration cloud platform

    Recently, Introduced from middling coal Shaanxi 360 FangCloud Enterprise Online Disk, Building a one-stop document storage and management cloud platform for enterprises, In achieving informationization of management methods, Further development at the level of building innovative enterprises.

    2023-04-14 Customer story
    Energy and chemical engineering state-owned enterprises Middling coal Shaanxi
  • Make new friends again! Introduced by a provincial railway procuratorate 360 Fangcloud!

    the near future, The railway transportation branch of a provincial people's procuratorate introduced 360 Yifang Cloud Xinchuang Solution, Establish a unified document management system, Convenient for employees to move office and access files, And ensure the security control of internal data.

    2023-03-24 Customer story
    procuratorate Efficient management Information Innovation Construction
  • whole country TOP3 One of 985 University Introduction 360 Yifang Cloud Disk Service

    the near future, whole country TOP3 One of 985 Introduction by the Propaganda Department of the University's Party Committee 360 Fangcloud, Orderly storage and management of campus materials, Greatly improve the office convenience of faculty.

    2023-03-21 Customer story
    Smart Universities Campus Cloud Disk 985 colleges and universities
  • 360 Yifang Cloud Helps Biotech Rookie Kaike Biotech Achieve Collaborative Office

    in recent years, Gradual release of dividends from pharmaceutical regulatory policies, Biotechnology companies are also actively deploying digitalization in the process of rapid development. Kaico Biotechnology (Shanghai) Limited company signing 360 Fangcloud, With the help of 360 Yifang Cloud Enterprise Cloud Disk, Realize one-stop file sharing and collaboration.

    2023-03-17 Customer story
    Biomedicine Enterprise cloud disk Efficient office work
  • Many universities join hands 360 Yifang Cloud Creates Campus Cloud Disk, Promote the convenience of teachers and students

    360 Yifangyun has been recognized by Zhejiang University to this day, Xiamen University, China University of Mining and Technology, Nanjing Forestry University, Central South University for Nationalities, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine and many other well-known universities provide services, Assist universities in reengineering service processes, Promote the convenience of teachers and students, Modernization of University Governance through Digital Technology, Drive towards digitalization of management, Comprehensive upgrade of teaching digitization, Integrating digitalization into teacher offices, Various scenarios such as talent cultivation.

    2022-09-21 Customer story
    Sign a contract Smart Universities Campus Cloud Disk
  • Winning ways in retail industry: How to solve the problem of enterprise unstructured data?

    According to the data released by the National Bureau of statistics, The first half of this year, Total retail sales of social consumer goods 211904 RMB100mn, Year on year growth 23. 0%. With the expansion of the consumer market, Growing demand and supply, Retail enterprises improve efficiency with digital capabilities, The demand for increasing competitiveness is growing continuously, The retail industry is in a critical period of digital transformation. The back of the rapid growth of orders is the document management mode "backward" Retail chain industry through universal application "Purchase, sales and inventory" , ERP, CRM The system solves the management problems of most structured data, And can unstructured data management, which accounts for a larger proportion, be improved from

    2021-12-31 Customer story
    Retail industry 360 Fangcloud Enterprise cloud disk Enterprise network disk Enterprise case
Use FangCloud immediately, Start simple work
Use FangCloud immediately, Start simple work



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