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  • 百盛group签约Fangcloud, Enterprise network disk助力业务文件高效协同流-

    recently, 大型零售连锁group百盛group签约Fangcloud, Fangcloudby百盛group搭建了适用于Administration多连锁门店的enterprise级Collaborative office平台, 满足其复杂多样的业务场景需求, 极大提升了工作效率. about百盛group百盛group自 1994 year进驻中国, 2006 year在香港证交所主板上市. at present在中国 30 多座主要城市运营 44 门店 (包含概念店 Parkson Beauty) , 1 购物中心, 2 百盛优客城市广场, 1 精品exceed市, 11 哈肯铺及自营服装品牌等商业地

    2020-12-03 news flash
    Retail industry 360 Fangcloud Enterprise cloud disk Enterprise network disk
  • Fangcloud助力浙江理工大学, 打造高效办公的 "浙理云盘"

    浙江理工大学, 是一所以工by主, 理, 工, 文, 经, 管, 法, 艺术, 教育等多学科协调发展的省属重点建设大学. 入选教育部 "卓越工程师教育培养计划" , 中国政府奖学金来华留学生接收院校, 全国高校实践育人创新创业基地, 国国际科技合作基地, 国级大学生创新创业训练计划, 国级新工科研究与实践项目, 浙江省院士专工作站. 具有推荐优秀应届本科毕业生免试攻读硕士学位研究生资格. 以师生by中心推进校园信息化建设As省属重点

    2020-11-05 news flash
    校园网盘 浙江理工大学 Enterprise network disk Fangcloud 浙理云盘
  • 吉利科技group签约Fangcloud, Enterprise cloud disk助力业务文件高效流-

    recently, 吉利科技group正式与Fangcloud签约, Fangcloudby其搭建enterprise级云盘system, 帮助吉利科技group实现业务system文件的高效流-及数字资产全生命周期的安全管控. about吉利科技group吉利科技group是一以科技创新和投资运营驱动的大型产业group. As大出行生态科技领域的产业投资商和运营商, 吉利科技groupCommitted to building天地一体化的立体智慧出行生态, 重点在新能源科技, 材料科技, 出行服务, 航空, 航天, 摩托车集群等 6 大板块布局, 并同步开展

    2020-09-17 news flash
    automobile 360 Fangcloud Enterprise cloud disk Enterprise network disk
  • 杭州师范大学签约Fangcloud, 推进高校信息资源数字化发展

    recently, 杭州师范大学正式与Fangcloud签约, 搭建校园云盘system, 帮助师生们实现多地多人实时协作, 工作文档, 教学科研资源, 学习资源等资料文件的安全存储及高效Administration. about杭州师范大学杭州师范大学, 是由杭州市人民政府举办的省属综合性大学, 浙江省重点建设高校, 入选教育部卓越教师培养计划, 服务国特殊需求博士人才培养项目, 全国首批深化创新创业教育改革示范高校, 浙江省双创示范基地, 推研免试资格学校, by联合国教科文组织中国

    2020-08-19 news flash
    Smart universities 360 Fangcloud Enterprise network disk Enterprise cloud disk
  • 3 year股价翻 10 倍, 珀莱雅如何通过Fangcloud进行文件Administration和Collaborative office?

    珀莱雅是中国领先的化妆品品牌, 起步于day化渠道, 以多品类, 多渠道的运营机制, 进一步进军商exceed, 电商等渠道, 已形成覆盖全国, 立体的营销服务网络. 珀莱雅品牌正向着day臻完备与国际化发展, 致力于深海核心护肤科技研究与女性平等发展的公益行动. 2017 year 11 month 15 day, 珀莱雅登陆上海证券交易所. enterprise高速发展高效办公day益重要自成立以来, 珀莱雅凭借鲜明的品牌形象, 精准的市场定位, 以及创新的营销策略, 保持了稳定, 快速的增

    2020-08-13 case
    Retail industry 360 Fangcloud Enterprise cloud disk Enterprise network disk
  • 华侨大学Join hands with Yifang cloud, 打造新一代校园云盘Administrationsystem

    信息化建设是高校Administration中的重要战略组成部分, at present大学里大量的科研和教学材料采用电子文档的形式进行存储, 使用和交流. 随着信息化时代的不断进步, 传统 IT Solutions已经不能满足day益增长的文件Administration需求, 云存储技术的不断发展及应用extension, 可by高校实现教学研资源的沉淀, 带来全新的文件Administration及共享Solutions. recently, 华侨大学经过多方评估, Officially signed Yifang cloud, 搭建校园云盘system, by全校师生提供安全高效的工作文档, 教学科研资源, 学习

    2019-11-18 news flash
    Smart universities 360 Fangcloud Enterprise cloud disk Enterprise network disk
  • 大唐地产Join hands with Yifang cloud 打造云盘Administrationsystem

    real estate建筑行业以项目by中心的运作模式周期性长, 项目推进的过程中需要建设方, Design方, 环评方, 施工方和监理方等相关单位的多方配合, 需要通过项目Administration协调各方资源, 以实现项目的期望目标. 项目进行中, 多方的协作涉及到施工方案, Design图纸, 资质资料, 施工合同, 检测报告等各类文件的安全共享和协同完成; 项目结束时, 各类文档材料的统一归档和保存则关系到enterprise的数据积累和沉淀. 随着房

    2019-07-30 news flash
    real estate 360 Fangcloud Enterprise cloud disk Enterprise network disk
  • Country Garden and Yifangyun go hand in hand Building an efficient collaborative office platform

    With the accelerated development of information technology in the real estate industry, Daily office work of the enterprise, Business Operations, Data management is increasingly reliant on information systems, The requirements for the reliability and business continuity of data are also increasing. recently, Country Garden, the leader of the real estate industry, has been evaluated and investigated in many ways, Finally, we choose to move forward together with Yifang Cloud, To better meet the challenges of the Big data era. Country Garden Country Garden is a physical practitioner of China's new urbanization process, It is the builder of global green Ecosophy city. Country Garden is headquartered in Shunde, Foshan, Guangdong, It is the largest new urbanization residential developer in China. Adopting centralized and standardized operations

    2019-07-09 news flash
    Country Garden real estate 360 Fangcloud Enterprise network disk
  • Billion customers| How to realize the unified management of enterprise knowledge? Theo elevator does this

    2019 year 1 month 13 day, By Theo Elevator, Spring wind power, It was jointly sponsored by three Hangzhou enterprises IT Annual fellowship meeting&IT The supplier sharing conference was held at the Radisson Manor in Tangqi, Hangzhou Canal. As an excellent partner of Theo Elevator, Yifang Cloud was invited to attend and won honors at this conference. at present, Few elevator enterprises have passed Zhejiang manufacturing certification, Hangzhou Xiao Elevator Co. , Ltd (abbreviation "Theo elevator" ) Is one of them. As a modern comprehensive elevator service manufacturer, Theo Elevator's R&D of elevator complete products, Design, production, sale, Installation and

    2019-01-29 case
    360 Fangcloud Enterprise cloud disk Enterprise network disk
  • Zhejiang University Information Technology Center and Yifangyun, promote "Smart campus construction"

    2018 year 12 month 14 Day morning, Yifangyun and Zhiyun Laboratory of Zhejiang University held a strategic cooperation signing ceremony, After the cooperation is reached, the two sides will establish a close strategic cooperation relationship, Deposition of digital file resources in colleges and universities, Use and share directions to carry out in-depth cooperation. Chen Wenzhi, Director of Information Technology Center of Zhejiang University, Dong Rong, Deputy Director, Zhang Zihui, Chief Engineer and Yi Fangyun CEO Cheng Yuan attended the signing ceremony. Zhiyun Lab&At the signing ceremony of Yifang Cloud strategic cooperation, The information technology center of Zhejiang University and its party listened to the solution of Yifang Cloud in the main scenarios of university documents, Understand that the scheme will be high

    2018-12-18 news flash
    Smart universities 360 Fangcloud Enterprise cloud disk Enterprise network disk
  • Hengshun vinegar industry and Yifangyun go forward hand in hand Synchronous upgrade of office experience and security

    As the first listed company in the domestic vinegar production industry, Jiangsu Hengshun Vinegar Co. , Ltd (abbreviation "Hengshun vinegar industry" ) Numerous subsidiaries, And the products are sold all over the world, The enterprise data generated by office is very large. To build an effective management and efficient collaboration platform for a large number of enterprise data, recently, Hengshun Vinegar officially signed a contract with Yifangyun, In the company information department, Marketing center and other departments promote the use of, Synchronous upgrade of office experience and security. About Hengshun Vinegar Jiangsu Hengshun Vinegar Co. , Ltd. was founded in 1840 During the reign of Daoguang in the Qing Dynasty, by "Chinese time-honored brand" enterprise. 2001 year 2 month, Hengshun Vinegar in Shanghai Securities

    2018-08-10 news flash
    manufacturing 360 Fangcloud Enterprise cloud disk Enterprise network disk
  • When Sanya Group meets a hundred million square clouds, The unified management of group documents opens a new chapter

    Sanya Group is a well-known large multinational private enterprise in China, Yifang Cloud is an excellent one-stop file management and collaboration cloud platform for enterprises in China. In the past year, Deep cooperation between Sanya Group and Yifang Cloud, Efficient management of internal documents, Significant results. Why did Sanya Group choose Yifangyun? Sanya Group Co. , Ltd (abbreviation "Mitsubishi Group" ) Global business, The group owns Hongtu Hi-Tech, Nanjing Xinbai, PC Mall , Israel Natali, U. S. A Dendreon And other key enterprises at home and abroad. 100 Multiple subsidiaries, exceed 12 In the huge business system of 10000 employees worldwide, group

    2018-08-10 case
    Mitsubishi Group 360 Fangcloud Enterprise cloud disk Enterprise network disk
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Use FangCloud immediately, Start simple work



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