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  • 牛了牛, 中国 Top10 之一的知名律所Signing 360 Fangcloud!

    律所率先引入 360 Fangcloud, 优化案件Tubereason+团队Tubereason+知识Tubereason模式, 实现day常协同, 收案, 办案, 结案全流程的数字化协同与共享.

    2022-10-20 other
    Enterprise network disk 知名律所 writing件同步 同步盘 信息安全
  • 500 强企业鄂尔多斯集团牵手 360 Fangcloud, 打造Collaborative office新模式

    喜讯 Great news9 month 6 day, "2022 中国企业 500 强" 榜单公布, 内蒙古鄂尔多斯投资控股集团有限公司 (简称鄂尔多斯集团) 以 7276763 万元营收排名第 321 位. 不久前, 这 500 强企业选择与 360 Fangcloud达成合作, 借助 360 Fangcloud的一站式Teamwork与知识Tubereason能力, 搭建统一的非结构化数据中台, 实现企业信息资产的安全存储/共享/应用, 打造安全高效的Collaborative office新方式. 1 世界羊绒large王的信息化发

    2022-09-23 case
    Signing Newsletter Enterprise cloud disk 企业case
  • 温州市人民医院携手 360 Fangcloud, 打造数字化医疗综合体

    医院海量的writing件资料如何有序完好地保存? 跨院区, 跨科室间如何共享writing件并协作办公? 温州市人民医院携手 360 Fangcloud搭建起一writing件统一Tubereason平台, 打通医院各科室间及与医院外部单位之间的数据流-通道, 实现业务/科研资料集中存储, 协作分发, 安全传输共享.

    2022-09-23 case
    医疗服务 Signing 信息化 数字化 Enterprise cloud disk
  • 厦门large学Signing 360 Fangcloud, 打造writing档共享与高效协作新模式

    厦门large学与 360 Fangcloud正式达成合作, 通过 360 Fangcloud搭建高效, 便捷, 安全的校园云盘, 实现教学资源, study资料, 办公writing档实时共享, 提升师生之间的协作效率与协作便利度, 建设智慧校园新模式.

    2022-08-16 case
    Enterprise cloud disk Smart Universities 厦门large学 高校
  • 保障冬奥会, 助力亚运地铁开通, 西奥电梯如何通过数字化打造硬实力?

    杭州西奥电梯有限公司 (简称 "西奥电梯" ) 成立于 2004 year, 是集电梯研发, 设计, 生产, 销售, 安装及售后维保于一体的现代化综合型电梯制造服务商, 迄今已开发出 9 large系列, 20 余种梯型Products, 累计为全球 70 余Countriesand地区提供服务. 西奥电梯领先行业引入德国work业 4. 0 reason念, 按世界 500 强标准布局work厂, 以Tubereason智慧化实现制造智能, Products智能, 服务智能, 成为domestic自主电梯品牌中的领头羊. 01 large型制造企业的非结构化数据Tubereason难

    2022-05-06 case
    Enterprise network disk 西奥电梯
  • 两month销售额近千亿, 稳居行业第一, Country garden如何实现企业writing档高效安全协同?

    2 month 28 day, 中指研究院发布了 2022 year 1-2 month中国real estate企业销售业绩排行榜. 榜单显示, 2022 year 1-2 month, TOP100 房企销售额均值为 103. 0 亿元, 其中销售额超百亿房企 30 , Country garden以 924. 6 亿元的销售额位居该销售业绩排行榜之首. 实际上, 处于龙头行列的Country garden近几year一直将 "行稳致远" 作为发展战略方针: "相对放慢发展速度, 腾出更多空间抓好各项Tube控" . 尤其是在地产行业信息化加速发展的背景下, 市场对企

    2022-03-03 case
    360 Fangcloud Enterprise cloud disk Enterprise network disk real estate
  • 中交上海航道局Signing 360 Fangcloud, 实现项目writing件高效安全流-

    recently, 中国交建旗下核心企业, domesticlarge型疏浚企业中交上海航道局有限公司SigningFangcloud, Fangcloud为其搭建企业级writing件Collaborative office平台, 满足团队跨部门, 跨地区, 跨场景高效协作办公的需求. 关于中交上海航道局具有百year历史的中交上海航道局有限公司 (以下简称 "中交上航" ) 前身 "浚浦engineering总局" , 创立于 1905 year 12 month 26 day, 现隶属于中国交通建设股有限公司, 具有港口与航道engineering施work总承包特级, 航道勘察设计甲级, 测绘甲级等资质. 公

    2022-01-28 news flash
    建筑engineering 360 Fangcloud Enterprise cloud disk Enterprise network disk
  • Before the Spring Festival in the Year of the Tiger, We have received a thank-you letter from Zhejiang University

    The Year of the Tiger is approaching, 360 Yifangyun received a mysterious message「New Year Gift」 -- From Zhejiang University "Letter of thanks" . It was confirmed in the letter 360 The assistance of Yifang Cloud team in the process of school education informationization construction, hope "2022 Both sides walked side by side in the year, Mutual empowerment, A hundred feet pole head goes further" . Zhejiang University Letter of Appreciation Upon seeing this sincere letter, 360 Yifang Cloud team members are deeply encouraged, Deeply cherish. Regarding Zhejiang University, which is directly under the Ministry of Education, Central straight tube (Deputy ministerial level) , It is one of the famous top universities in China, It's also China "The most comprehensive disciplines" , "The highest student entrepreneurship rate" University, Rank

    2022-01-26 case
    Smart Universities Zhejiang University Enterprise cloud disk Enterprise network disk
  • Many universities signed contracts 360 Fangcloud, Promote the safe management and efficient circulation of educational resources

    2021 University in "the 14th Five-Year Plan" The first year of planning, It is also the year when education informatization in the new era starts a new journey, education

    2022-01-06 case
    Smart Universities Education industry 360 Fangcloud Enterprise cloud disk
  • Contract signing of natural gas purification plant 360 Fangcloud, Digital transformation of energy enterprises

    recently, Natural gas purification plant and 360 Yifang Cloud successfully signed the contract. 360 Yifang Cloud builds a safe and convenient one-stop file management cloud platform, Help the natural gas purification plant to solve the difficulties of enterprise document management, Provide strong guarantee for the efficient operation of all departments of the organization. About the General Natural Gas Purification Plant The General Natural Gas Purification Plant is subordinate to PetroChina Southwest Oil and Gas Field Company, Mainly responsible for natural gas purification business, And use the removed sulfur compounds to produce sulfur. Existing registered employees 2100 More than people, Purification device 20 set, With daily processing of raw natural gas 7080 10000 cubic meters, Annual treatment of feed gas 240 Billion cubic meters

    2021-11-24 news flash
    Signing Energy enterprises
  • 360 Powered by Yifang Cloud 500 Powerful enterprise Jingke Energy realizes efficient collaboration in multiple places

    Jingke Energy Holdings Co. , Ltd (NYSE Code: JKS) , It is a highly innovative photovoltaic enterprise in the world, It is one of the few PV manufacturers in the world with vertical integrated industrial chain, The business covers high-quality silicon ingots, silicon wafer, Production of cell chips and manufacturing of high-efficiency monocrystalline photovoltaic modules. As of 2021 year 6 month 30 The daily production capacity of single crystal silicon wafer reaches about 27 GW, The capacity of the battery chip reaches about 12 GW, Component capacity reaches about 31 GW. Jingke Energy owns 9 Global production bases, 22 Overseas subsidiaries, The sales team is all over China, britain, France, Spain, etc 24 Countries. large

    2021-10-26 case
    manufacturing 360 Fangcloud Enterprise cloud disk Enterprise network disk
  • Northwest Agricultural and Forestry University signed a contract with Yifangyun, "Double First-Class" initiative" The way of digital upgrading of colleges and universities

    recently, domestic "Double First-Class" initiative" University Northwest Agricultural and Forestry University signed a contract with Yifangyun. Yifang Cloud builds a campus cloud disk for file storage and sharing cooperation, Help the safe management and efficient circulation of digital education resources. About Northwest University of Agriculture and Forestry Science and Technology, Northwest University of Agriculture and Forestry Science and Technology is directly under the Ministry of Education, National origin "985 engineering" and "211 engineering" Key universities, First selected countries "World-class universities and first-class disciplines" Building colleges and universities. existing 7 National key disciplines and 2 National priorities (Cultivation) subject; agricultural science , Plant & Animal Science , engineering, Environmental Science and Ecology, Chemistry, Biology and Biology

    2021-06-23 news flash
    Smart Universities 360 Fangcloud Enterprise cloud disk Enterprise network disk
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Use FangCloud immediately, Start simple work



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